Academic collaborative center living with an intellectual disability

The Academic Collaborative Center Living with an intellectual disability (in Dutch abbreviated as AWVB) aims to improve the quality of life and care for people with intellectual disabilities and their families. We develop concrete and accessible resources on the basis of scientific research, in collaboration with individuals with intellectual disabilities, their families, and the healthcare professionals that support them.

About the AWVB


Ten years AWVB, ten years research and practice

The AWVB has been committed to the connection between research and practice in care for people with intellectual disabilities for ten years. And we celebrate that!

More about our 10 year anniversary

Our themes

Research at the AWVB is structured into five themes.
You can click on the buttons below to learn more about each theme.


The AWVB translates academic research into easily accessible practical resources and educational modules, allowing the integration of current scientific research findings into practice and education as quickly as possible. Our resources have been primarily developed for use in Dutch practice and education. Some of our resources have been translated into English and are happy to provide more information about them and other resources upon request. Please contact us via e-mail at

Academic collaborative center living with an intellectual disability