Basic Psychological Needs Scale – Intellectual Disability (PBVB)
Understanding the perceptions of those with intellectual disabilities can improve their support, health, and subjective wellbeing.
The PBVB is a self-report questionnaire that measures the extent to which basic psychological needs are either satisfied or unsatisfied based on the individual’s response to 24 items. The results enable care providers to identify the most effective form of support to deliver to the individual. The PBVB can also be administered multiple times to monitor the effectiveness of a treatment plan over time.
The PBVB is aimed at adults with mild intellectual disabilities or borderline intellectual functioning. Individuals can complete the questionnaire themselves, preferably in the presence of a therapist or support worker who can provide support and an explanation of the items.
The English version of the Basic Psychological Needs Scale – Intellectual Disability (PBVB) can be provided upon request.