Beat the Kick: training to reduce or prevent addiction problems
Beat the Kick is aimed at people with mild intellectual disabilities or borderline intellectual functioning who are addicted to, or excessively use, drugs, gaming, or the internet. The course motivates individuals to reduce these behaviours, and circumvent relapse. Research on the effects of the Beat the Kick course demonstrates a shift in participants’ incentive for changing their behaviour. After the training, individuals show a better quality of motivation than before the training.
The training program consists of 10 sessions with a fixed structure. Firstly, the instructor reviews the previous training session and discusses the homework assignment. Next, new theory is discussed and practiced. The training concludes with a review of the session and an explanation of the homework assignment. You can watch a video about the training here.
Beat the Kick can form the first step in reducing or preventing addiction problems in people with mild intellectual disabilities. In 2015, the course was recognised by the Accreditation Committee for the Disabled Care Sector (in Dutch: Erkenningscommissie Gehandicaptenzorg). The program is available in Dutch, English, and French and is currently taught in various countries.
Professionals can give the Beat the Kick course using the trainer’s manual. To order the manual, please contact the AWVB at