Completed research
Challenging relationships
This PhD research focused on the relationships between support staff and people with intellectual disabilities who display challenging behaviour. Support staff often struggle to help these service users manage their challenging behaviour and experience a greater sense of wellbeing. This study developed a questionnaire, the Staff-Client Interactive Behavior Inventory (in Dutch: Schaal voor Interactief Gedrag van Begeleiders), to measure interpersonal and intrapersonal behaviour of support staff in response to challenging behaviour. The questionnaire can act as a basis for additional training and coaching.
- Dr. Arno Willems
- Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
- Prof. dr. Anna Bosman
- Dr. Lex Hendriks
- Proefschrift ‘Challenging relationships. Staff interactions in supporting persons with intellectual disabilities and challenging behaviour’
- A.P.A.M. Willems, P.J.C.M. Embregts, M. Wijnants, A.H.C. Hendriks & A.M.T. Bosman (2018). Dynamic patterns of three staff members interacting with a client with an intellectual disability and challenging behaviour: Suggestions for coaching. Nonlinear Dynamics, Psychology, and Life Sciences
- A.P.A.M. Willems, P.J.C.M. Embregts, A.H.C. Hendriks & A.M.T. Bosman (2016). Towards a framework in interaction training for staff working with clients with intellectual disabilities and challenging behavior. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
- A.P.A.M. Willems, P.J.C.M. Embregts, A.M.T. Bosman & A.H.C. Hendrik (2014). The analysis of challenging relations: Influences on interactive behaviour of staff towards clients with intellectual disabilities. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
- A.P.A.M. Willems, P.J.C.M. Embregts, A.H.C. Hendriks & A.M.T. Bosman (2012). Measuring staff behavior towards clients with ID and challenging behavior: Further psychometric evaluation of the Staff-Client Interactive Behavior Inventory (SCIBI). Research in Developmental Disabilities
- A.P.A.M. Willems, P.J.C.M. Embregts, G.J.J.M. Stams & X.M.H. Moonen (2010). The relation between intrapersonal and interpersonal staff behaviour towards clients with ID and challenging behaviour: A validation study of the Staff-Client Interactive Behaviour Inventory (SCIBI). Journal of Intellectual Disability Research