Ongoing research

eHealth in the support, treatment, and therapy for people with intellectual disabilities

eHealth is increasingly utilized in the care for people with intellectual disabilities, but little is known about the effectiveness of eHealth in providing care. This PhD research examines the possibilities of the use of digital resources – such as apps, video calls and training videos – in the support and (psychological) treatment of people with intellectual disabilities. It also examines what influences acceptance and use by professionals.  Because eHealth affects the collaborative relationship between people with intellectual disabilities and professionals, an existing measurement instrument for alliance has been adapted for professionals working with people with mild intellectual disabilities.

  • Drs. Cathelijn Oudshoorn
  • foto Cathelijn Oudshoorn
  • Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
  • Prof. dr. Heleen Riper
  • Petri-TU-portret
  • Heleen-Riper
  • asvz-kleiner2