Completed research
Experiences of people with intellectual disabilities, parents, and healthcare professionals during Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic profoundly changed the lives of people with intellectual disabilities, their families, and healthcare professionals. The lockdowns and preventive measures – including staying at home and practicing social distancing, as well as visitation restrictions at care facilities – had a major impact. During the first lockdown in the Netherlands in Spring 2020, the AWVB conducted several qualitative studies examining experiences of people with intellectual disabilities, their parents, and support staff. Moreover, these groups were interviewed several times over the course of the pandemic about the impact of Covid-19.
- Laura Vromans MSc
- Dr. Marieke Westerman
- Dr. Kim van den Bogaard
- Dr. Sanne Giesbers
- Luciënne Heerkens
- Drs. Marloes Thalen
- Dr. Tess Tournier
- Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
- Dr. Noud Frielink
- L. Vromans, M.C. den Boer, N. Frielink & & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2023). The Experiences of Outreach Support Staff Working with People with Mild Intellectual Disabilities during Different Stages of the COVID-19 Pandemic in the Netherlands: A Qualitative Study. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health
- M. den Boer, M. Voermans & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2022). Vulnerable but stronger together: An interpretative phenomenological analysis of the experiences of mothers of young adults with profound intellectual and multiple disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Journal of Intellectual & Developmental Disability
- P.J.C.M Embregts, T. Tournier & N. Frielink (2022). The experiences of psychologists working with people with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 crisis. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
- P.J.C.M Embregts, G.C.J. Heerkens, N. Frielink, S.A.H. Giesbers, L. Vromans & A. Jahoda (2021). Experiences of mothers caring for a child with an intellectual disability during the COVID-19 pandemic in the Netherlands. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
- P.J.C.M Embregts, T. Tournier & N. Frielink (2021). Experiences and needs of direct support staff working with people with intellectual disabilities during the COVID-19 pandemic: A thematic analysis. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
- P.J.C.M Embregts, K.H.J.M. van den Bogaard, N. Frielink, M.A.C. Voermans, M. Thalen & A. Jahoda (2020). A thematic analysis into the experiences of people with a mild intellectual disability during the COVID-19 lockdown period. International Journal of Developmental Disabilities