Ongoing research

Family network support for people with intellectual disabilities

This research project involves a longitudinal follow-up study of previous PhD research investigating how people with mild intellectual disabilities perceive their family network and the support they receive. The aim of the study is to better understand whether and how family can be more actively involved in support for people with intellectual disabilities. The web application Family and others (in Dutch: Familie enzo) was developed to enable people with mild intellectual disabilities to map their own family network. This provides them with an instant overview of their network which they can use to facilitate conversations concerning their wants and needs with family members or professionals.

  • Dr. Sanne Giesbers
  • Sanne-Giesbers-portret
  • Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
  • Prof. dr. Andrew Jahoda
  • Prof. dr. Richard Hastings
  • Dr. Lex Hendriks
  • Petri-TU-portret
  • Andrew-Jahoda-2
  • Richard-Hastings
  • Lex_Hendriks
  • Logo DS Visscherfonds