Completed research

Monitoring and alarming stress to improve quality of care (MASQUE)

People with intellectual disabilities experience many stressors in their lives. Failure to detect that a person with intellectual disabilities is experiencing stress can lead to the individual displaying challenging behaviour, such as aggression. In this project, researchers are collaborating with individuals with intellectual disabilities, their families, and healthcare professionals to develop a device that can help to detect early signs of stress in people with intellectual disabilities to prevent escalation of challenging behaviours. The device uses data from sensors worn in clothing. The study is also being conducted in the elderly care sector with people who suffer from advanced dementia.

  • Esmee Adam MSc (UNC-ZH/LUMC)
  • Dr. Hanneke Smaling (UNC-ZH/LUMC)
  • esmee-adam
  • hanneke-smalling
  • Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
  • Dr. Noud Frielink
  • Petri-TU-portret
  • Noud-Frielink-portret
  • MASQUE-metteksttransparant2