Completed research
Quality of life of family members of people with disabilities
The “Fullfilling Life” (in Dutch: Volwaardig Leven) programme of the Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport aimed to adjust the care for people with intellectual disabilities, ensuring the care provided is long-lasting and remains appropriate overtime. One part of the programme focused specifically on family members, a relatively neglected group that would benefit from better support. The aim of this study was to better understand appropriate techniques to support family members, and to develop upon these methods in the program.
- Linda Springvloet
- Femke van Schelven
- Dr. Marieke Kroezen
- Dr. Jorien Luijkx
- Dr. Annet ten Brug
- Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
- Prof. dr. Annette van der Putten
- Dr. Hennie Boeije