Completed research
Social support in the formal and informal networks of people with mild intellectual disabilities
This PhD research examined experiences of support in people with mild intellectual disabilities within their formal networks (professionals) and informal networks (family and friends). The study showed that social capital is a useful theoretical framework for understanding supportive resources within families. It is important that researchers and professionals adopt a broad approach in involving a person’s social network in their care. In addition to focusing on the support that a person with a mild intellectual disability can receive, we should also consider what forms of support the person with intellectual disability can offer to the people in their network.
- Dr. Sanne Giesbers
- Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
- Prof. dr. Richard Hastings
- Dr. Lex Hendriks
- Proefschrift ‘It's not who you know, It's how you know them’
- S.A.H. Giesbers, A.H.C. Hendriks, R.P. Hastings, A. Jahoda, T. Tournier & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2022). Perceptions of people with mild intellectual disability and their family members about family-based social capital in the Netherlands. Health & Social Care in the Community
- S.A.H. Giesbers & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2020). Belang van familie in beeld. Website Kennisplein Gehandicaptensector
- S.A.H. Giesbers, A.H.C. Hendriks, R.P. Hastings, A. Jahoda, T. Tournier & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2020). Family-based social capital of emerging adults with and without mild intellectual disability. Journal of Intellectual Disability Research
- S.A.H. Giesbers, A.H.C. Hendriks, R.P. Hastings, A. Jahoda, T. Tournier & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2020). Social Capital and the Reciprocal Nature of Family Relationships: the Perspective of Individuals with Mild Intellectual Disability. American Journal on Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities
- S.A.H. Giesbers, A.H.C. Hendriks, A. Jahoda, R.P. Hastings & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2019). Living with support: Experiences of people with mild intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities
- S. Giesbers, T. Tournier, A.H.C. Hendriks, R.P. Hastings, A. Jahoda, & P.J.C.M. Embregts (2019). Measuring emotional support in family networks: Adapting the Family Network Method for individuals with a mild intellectual disability. Journal of Applied Research in Intellectual Disabilities