Completed research

The experiential expertise training programme

The experiential expertise training programme (In Dutch: Opleiding Ik deel mijn ervaring) was developed by the ‘Experiential expertise of people with intellectual disabilities’ consortium (In Dutch: Consortium ervaringsdeskundigheid van mensen met een verstandelijke beperking). FontysHogeschool Sociale Studies first delivered the training programme between January 2012 and June 2012. The AWVB collaborated with the consortium to evaluate the programme, describing how the training programme was delivered to individuals with intellectual disabilities to help them become experts-by-experience.

This was one of five pilots in the “A Fulfilling Life” (in Dutch: Volwaardig leven) programme of the Netherlands Ministry of Health, Welfare and Sport, and focused on families with complex needs. During the pilot, 150 families with problems in multiple domains were each paired with a support worker. The study evaluated the efforts of the support workers on behalf of these families, examining the extent to which the support workers succeeded with relieving family burden and empowering families. This project also explored how the support workers themselves experienced their new role.

  • Pauline Geuijen MSc
  • Prof. dr. Petri Embregts
  • pilot5-logo-payoff